How To Be Successful In Forex Trading-When we were at school, we received and got the same materials and
even learned various subjects at the same time with other friends. But
why do the capability of each person is different? There are persons who
got first, second, third, or even last rank. The reason why someone
can't comprehend the materials is not because of the materials. It is
actually in how each persons mindset toward the subjects they are given.
Mindset is the thing that distinguish someone successful with another
less-successful person.
have learned the strategy, system, and indicators in forex trading, but
maybe we haven't changed our mindset toward trading. This is the
important one, because no matter how much materials we got, it won't
change the result if we don't change our way of thinking too.
Just try to pause your trading for a while, and ask yourself some basic questions. How wise I am in facing the market? Don't stuck on analyzing indicators and fundamentals only.
Manage Your Risks
Risk exist in each and everything we do. It is such a faithful fellow that wherever we are, we can't elude it. The stronger we try to dodge it, the closer it comes to us. Including in business activity, the risk will be there and can't be eliminated, no matter how big or small is the business and what kind of business we run. Therefore, it has to be faced and managed properly.
forex trader once said "Don't count how many percent you will receive
in profits, but ask yourself how many percent of losses you could bear".
That question becomes really important in dealing with our emotion while trading forex. By answering that question, we will know how to measure trading risks and manage it so that we could gain profits and evade losses.
Be Better Than Yesterday
Everybody wants to succeed in their business, including in forex trading. What kind of success is it? Almost all of you might answer that success in forex trading is when someone is able to gain lots of profit from his trading. It's very reasonable, because the purpose of doing business is indeed to get profit.
However, the fact is, there is a survey that said, from millions of traders around the world, only 10% of traders succeed in getting lots of money in their accounts. 10% are able to reach their dreams and the rest 90% are unknown.
Various kinds of theories and strategies were continuously learned to reach all the things we want. But in reality, none of them could accurately predicting the price movement. It is because prices is driven by millions of market players.
The only thing you could do is continuously learning from your experiences. Don't easily get mad and go on rampage, keep your poise. Patience is a necessity in this business, as is accuracy in placing buy and sell positions and money management.(seputarforex)

Just try to pause your trading for a while, and ask yourself some basic questions. How wise I am in facing the market? Don't stuck on analyzing indicators and fundamentals only.
Manage Your Risks
Risk exist in each and everything we do. It is such a faithful fellow that wherever we are, we can't elude it. The stronger we try to dodge it, the closer it comes to us. Including in business activity, the risk will be there and can't be eliminated, no matter how big or small is the business and what kind of business we run. Therefore, it has to be faced and managed properly.

That question becomes really important in dealing with our emotion while trading forex. By answering that question, we will know how to measure trading risks and manage it so that we could gain profits and evade losses.
Be Better Than Yesterday
Everybody wants to succeed in their business, including in forex trading. What kind of success is it? Almost all of you might answer that success in forex trading is when someone is able to gain lots of profit from his trading. It's very reasonable, because the purpose of doing business is indeed to get profit.
However, the fact is, there is a survey that said, from millions of traders around the world, only 10% of traders succeed in getting lots of money in their accounts. 10% are able to reach their dreams and the rest 90% are unknown.
Various kinds of theories and strategies were continuously learned to reach all the things we want. But in reality, none of them could accurately predicting the price movement. It is because prices is driven by millions of market players.
The only thing you could do is continuously learning from your experiences. Don't easily get mad and go on rampage, keep your poise. Patience is a necessity in this business, as is accuracy in placing buy and sell positions and money management.(seputarforex)